Septic Tank Cleaning Perth is an important part of maintaining a septic system. Without regular cleanings, septic systems can become clogged and cause sewage backups and flooding.
As waste enters the septic tank, it begins to break down and turns into a slime-like material called sludge. Septic tanks need to be pumped regularly to remove the sludge.
How Does a Septic Tank Work?

A septic tank is a watertight container that collects all the waste drained from a home. Household sewage and wastewater flow by gravity to the tank, which is usually buried underground. The tank has one or more compartments. The most common tank is a double-compartment tank with a baffle wall between each chamber. This allows sludge to settle on the bottom, while scum floats in the middle and effluent flows through the top of the tank into the drain field.
The septic tank relies on natural bacteria and processes to break down the household waste. The sludge on the bottom of the tank is partially decomposed by anaerobic bacteria, which need no oxygen to break down organic waste. Scum, consisting of grease and soaps, floats on the surface of the tank. The liquid on the top of the tank (called effluent) exits the tank through a perforated pipe into the drainage field. The drain field is a series of gravel and soil that filters and disperses the wastewater into groundwater.
As the wastewater passes through the septic system, it eliminates bacteria, viruses and nutrients from the waste. Soil in the drain field further treats the wastewater by absorbing, treating and dispersing it until it seeps into groundwater.
Maintaining your septic tank and drain field will help your septic system work more efficiently, which will save you money in the long run. In addition to regular septic tank cleaning, you can help the septic system by using less water in your home and making sure not to flush materials that could clog the pipes.
Keeping the grass mowed over the drain field will also help, as will avoiding planting shrubs and trees too close to the absorption field. The roots of trees and bushes may grow into the pipes and cause blockages.
In some alternative systems, the effluent trickles through sand or organic matter like peat and sawdust, constructed wetlands and other media that remove or neutralize pollutants including disease-causing pathogens, nitrogen and phosphorus. These types of systems are more environmentally friendly than septic tanks, but are not suitable for all homes or sites.
What Are the Signs of a Septic Tank That Needs Cleaning?
If you have a septic system, there’s a chance that you may need to have your tank cleaned. The tank is the end of the line for your home’s drain system, and if it gets full or overflows, your sinks will take longer to drain, toilets will fill before they go down, and dishwashers won’t empty fully. These issues can also contaminate the groundwater with bacteria and diseases, which can run off into nearby bodies of water.
One of the first signs that your septic tank is getting full is a foul odor. The odors come from the organic waste that’s built up inside of the tank and can cause your household plumbing to smell bad. You should contact a septic tank cleaning company if you notice these foul odors around your house.
Another sign that your septic tank is getting full that you should be on the lookout for is sewage backing up into your drains or toilets. Sewage backups are a very dangerous situation for your home and should be dealt with immediately. You should call a septic tank service immediately if you see sewage in your drains or toilets, and they can determine if it’s due to a full tank.
A full septic tank can also make your household plumbing slow down, and you might even notice puddles of water on your lawn. When a septic tank is full, it overflows into the drain field and causes the soil to become saturated. The excess water pools on the ground, which can taint surrounding water and contaminate the people and animals that use it for drinking and bathing.
You should also be on the lookout for lush, green grass near your septic tank and drain field. When a septic tank is overflowing, the excess nutrients in the liquid waste can cause the grass to grow more than it should.
If you have kids or pets, you should teach them to only use the toilets for human waste. It’s also a good idea to only flush items that are safe for your septic system, such as toilet paper that’s labeled as septic-safe or biodegradable. You should also avoid flushing baby wipes, diapers, cotton balls, and grease down your drains.
How Much Does a Septic Tank Cost?
A septic tank is an underground container that holds and processes wastewater from household plumbing. Sewage travels to the septic tank from every drain in the house, where it goes through natural and mechanical processes that remove unwanted solid waste and organic materials. The waste liquid then flows through a drain field, where the soil filters and purifies it even more. This waste gets rid of the bad odors from sewage that can cause health issues and pest problems in your home or yard.
The septic tank is made of concrete, fiberglass or polyethylene and can range in size from 1,000 to 1,500 gallons. These tanks typically cost between $3,000 and $7,000. The cost for a new septic tank depends on the type of septic tank, its location and the installation work needed.
In addition, homeowners need to install a drain field and pipes to connect the septic tank to the drain line of their homes. The cost of a drain field averages from $1,500 to $4,000.
If a homeowner fails to maintain their septic system, it can lead to costly repairs or even a replacement. Regular maintenance reduces the need for cleaning and maintenance, helping a septic tank last longer. This includes not flushing non-biodegradable materials, such as diapers, wipes or paper towels down toilets. In addition, it is important to dispose of these items at a waste management facility.
It is recommended that a septic tank be pumped every 3 to 5 years, depending on the number of people living in the home and water usage. This helps to prevent the sludge from reaching the outlet pipe and backing up the sewer lines in your home. You can tell your septic tank needs to be pumped when the drains slow down or become blocked, water pools in the yard near the septic tank or foul odors are detected in the home or backyard.
Pumping the septic tank is relatively inexpensive, ranging between $200 and $600. The only other costs homeowners may incur are if there is an issue with the septic system that requires repair or replacement. For example, septic system repair for a broken septic tank baffle could cost up to $1,500.
Why Do I Need to Have My Septic Tank Cleaned?
Over time, just like any other system in your home, parts of your septic tank may break down or stop working properly. A routine cleaning and service allows these components to work as they should, so that wastewater flows freely throughout your plumbing system. This prevents clogs, which are not only unpleasant to deal with but can also cause waste and sewage to back up into your home. This not only causes damage to wood, tile, and linoleum but is also a health hazard.
It is a good idea to have your septic tank cleaned every three to five years. During this process, a trained professional will inspect your tank for leaks and look at the sludge and scum layers. These individuals will also ensure that the septic tank has the proper level of water, which keeps wastewater flowing properly into the soil absorption field and away from your home.
Bacteria in your septic tank produce gases that smell similar to rotten eggs. This is a natural process but the gases must be released to prevent a buildup of pressure that could stop or reverse the flow of wastewater. The septic tank’s vent is typically located on the roof of your house and can be fitted with a charcoal filter to reduce odors.
Septic tanks should be pumped regularly to remove inorganic solids that can’t be broken down by bacteria. In addition, a septic tank that is too full can cause the sludge layer to rise to the point where it begins to clog the outlet pipe from your septic tank. This will then lead to wastewater and sludge backing up into your drains and the yard.
Having your septic tank cleaned on a regular basis can save you money and prevent costly repairs and other problems. If you are considering this preventative service, it is important to have a septic tank inspection company provide you with an estimated pumping schedule for your property. Alternatively, you can ask your local septic tank service to inspect the condition of your septic system on a more frequent basis if you are concerned that it is due for a cleaning.